Finn the Human, or Finn Mertens, also known as Pen in the original short. He is one of the main protagonists of the well-known Adventure Time series. Adventure Time is an American animated cartoon series created by Pendleton Ward. As is the way of things this …
Jake the Dog – Adventure Time (video tutorial) We all know the famous animated cartoon series “Adventure Time” created by Pendleton Ward. Moreover, we all love it! Adventure Time has a long history, but the story is about the two protagonists, Jake and Finn protect the …
We all love the popular series Adventure Time and we also love BMO. So, it is time to talk about BMO a little bit. BMO, is abridgment for Be More, usually phonetically spelled and written as “Beemo”. BMO is Finn and Jake’s living multi-purpose video game …
Hayao Miyazaki Studio Ghibli Spirited Away – No-Face Planner No-Face Planner or Kaonashi it a character in the Japanese animated fantasy film, ‘Spirited Away’, tells the story of Chihiro. No-Face is a queer spirit with the ability to be capable of different emotions. He is shown …
How to Draw Mr. Sparkle – The Kawaii Homer Simpson In this tutorial, I am going to show you, how you can draw a Mr. Sparkle sticker from The Simpsons series. How to draw Homer Simpson sticker
Was “Mr. Sparkle” commercial real in Japan? Believe it or not, yes, it is real Japanese. Mr. Sparkle is a Japanese dishwashing detergent mascot who looks very similar to Homer. In the Episode of The Simpsons, Homer thought that the company was using his similarity …